304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Go paperless with Tagus!

Let's digitize,automate and scale your law firm!

Tagus is supporting law firms turn piles of files into portable records so that partners can network and coordinate to meet strict deadlines.

What Tagus does

With LegalPearl,Tagus automates all your law firm business processes thus giving you more time to concentrate on other things that are important to you!


Matters/case management

With LegalPearl,Tagus organizes your matters in a very simple way. From just a glance, you can see clients matters, the lawyers assigned, to whom the matter belongs to and the billing status.

Document management

With LegalPearl, you now have a backup of your physical files. The system lets you organize your documents online just like the physical ones. With advanced version control and encryption of the documents, you are assured of high level of security of your files and accessibility from anywhere!

Client management

With just a few clicks, LegalPearl digitizes your physical records of your clients thus enabling you to better organize them and keep track on matters assignment and billing. Client on-boarding has never been this easy!

Do you have any question?
Feel free to contact us anytime.

Some Insights

Discover LegalPearl, your comprehensive law firm management system. Explore how Tagus streamlines operations, converting extensive paper documentation into portable digital files for enhanced efficiency and organization. Learn more about the innovative solutions LegalPearl brings to law firms in this video.

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What people say about us

“We have been using Legalpearl by Tagus to manage our law firm for the last 2 years. It has been a very helpful solution as it has reduced the manual processes in our company and increased productivity”
Chacha and company advocates
“Originally the thought of automation was not with us. As a law firm, we are used to controlling and having all our case documents on paper. Legalpearl has changed all this and convinced us of the value of automation. ”
Mwaniki & Co Advocates
“I can't express how much LegalPearl has transformed my workflow! As a Lawyer, efficiency is key, and this software has truly been a game-changer. The intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate, even for someone like me who isn't a tech expert. ”
JM Advocates

Gain control and boost efficiency with LegalPearl

LegalPearl boasts of richness in very intuitive design, robustness, industry standard security features and easily customizable customer interface!